Saturday, October 18, 2014

Solutions to fix Igfxres.dll error quickly

“Application failed because Igfxres.dll was not found.”
When using the computer, lots of computer users will find such error message display on their computer screen. This error message most of the time indicates that some files on your system have been missing, broken or damaged. If cannot be fixed immediately, more serious problems will come onto your system on the neck of another. But what really causes the problem and how to fix it?

What causes Igfxres.dll crash problems?
To learn what cause the exe error can certainly be helpful in preventing or fixing Igfxres.dll error. Below are the most common causes for the computer errors that appear on your screen.

Conflict between software or hardware devices installed on your computer.
Virus infection without your knowledge
Some system files are missing from the computer
Some registry problems exists in the registry database
Some drive errors can also cause the Igfxres.dll error
The causes here help you not only correctly fix but also effectively prevent the Igfxres.dll error in your daily computer life. Anyhow, you can perform the below steps to fix this dll error on the computer and prevent other computer errors.

Solutions to fix Igfxres.dll error quickly
Based on the above causes, here are steps for you to correctly fix the problem on your computer, maintaining stable computer performance all the time.

1. Replace the Igfxres.dll file on your system. Whenever the file has been deleted/broken, you will come to the chance to get the Igfxres.dll error on your computer. So, the first thing you should do is to check whether you can find it on your PC. IF not, directly place it with a new one.

Make a system restore point before making any modification.
Download the Igfxres.dll from a safe website or copy on from another computer with the same operating system.
Unzip the Igfxres.dll file into the folder.
Place it under the folder C:\Windows\System32
If the problem persists, turn to next step.
2. Uninstall and reinstall the program using Igfxres.dll file. In many cases, the application or programs that use this dll might become corrupted or damaged, leading to the appearance of the Igfxres.dll error. If the Igfxres.dll crash error cannot be fixed by a replace job, you can directly uninstall and then reinstall the program that causes the problem. Though this job seems a little simple, it helps to replace all the old program files & settings with fresh ones.

3. Make sure that your computer registry is totally clean. Registry, acting as the main component of the Windows operating system, is very easy to get corrupted as you uninstall/remove files from the computer. When the system fails to access its needed entries correctly, the Igfxres.dll will be generated on the screen. So, after removing the PC threats from the computer, you should immediately download and run a highly recommended registry clean utility to detect and fix all errors insides Windows registry.

With the three simple steps above, you can fix Igfxres.dll error on your computer effectively without taking it to a repair store. By the way, to always ensure optimal system performance, the two programs: antivirus program and registry repair tool I mentioned above should not be ignored.

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