Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Best way to fix mfc80u.dll error

The mfc80u.dll file is part of MFC (Microsoft Foundation Classes) library and is used by various Microsoft applications, such as Visual C++, Microsoft C/C++, Visual C++.Net etc. By default, the mfc80u.dll file can be found normally in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\Common7\Tools\Bin. If it is not found in this location or missing, you will no doubt get different kinds of missing mfc80u.dll error messages.

Causes of mfc80u.dll error
A list of system problems may result in mfc80u.dll error as you can see here:

Missing or corrupt mfc80u.dll module
Incompatible or damaged executable files
Driver update failure
Incorrect BIOS setting
Spyware problems
Missing or corrupt driver files
Solutions to fix mfc80u.dll error
The first step in resolving the mfc80u.dll error is to reinstall the program(s) that’s causing the error to crop up. The reason as to why such cases happen is more often than not because the program in question is unable to properly read the mfc80u.dll file. To quickly remedy this, you need to reinstall at once the affected application in your PC. This can be done by first selecting Start on the Windows Bar, then proceeding to your Control Panel and Add/Remove Programs. You will then see a list of programs, from which you should locate the application that is experiencing issues running the problem file. You will want this program removed from your computer, so you need to click the Uninstall option. Finally you can reinstall a fresh copy back onto your PC by getting a file online or by using a CD installer for the concerned program.

Also, you can register the damaged .dll module. Re- registering the .dll files can completely get rid of the dll errors from your computer. If you have enough computer experience, you may try to fix awt dll error through re- registering the incompatible or corrupt awt.dll module. You can follow the steps to re- register awt.dll module: Start > Run” (or press WINKEY + R on your keyboard) > type “Cmd” in the dialog box > press “Enter” > type in “regsvr32 -u mfc80u.dll” > select “regsvr32 mfc80u.dll”

By the way, to fix mfc80u.dll error, it is best that you can check whether there is any windows updates available and whether there is system vulnerability. The windows update may include mfc80u.dll file. It is recommended to configure windows to automatic updates.

Sometimes, if your registry gets damaged or corrupted, then you will receive different types of frustrating error messages just like the mfc80u.dll error. So, registry error is also a root cause for this dll error that you are getting. In order to fix mfc80u.dll error, it is essential to make sure that there is nothing wrong with your Windows registry. You can easily download a Registry Repair Software from the websites right now to repair and cleanup your corrupt registry automatically.

Those are the common causes and solutions of the mfc80u.dll errors. To make the mfc80u.dll fix job simple, you can directly download the best dll error fixer here to thoroughly scan your whole PC and re-register all corrupted/missing dll files within clicks.

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